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Chris Greene on Content Marketing as a Competitive Advantage

Chris Greene, the Flood Insurance Guru, joins the podcast for a master’s level conversation on content marketing and how properly using your CRM can create an undeniable competitive advantage in your business. Don’t miss this episode…

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Chris Greene on Content Marketing as a Competitive Advantage

In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, Ryan Hanley, interviews Chris Greene, the Flood Insurance Guru. Chris joins the podcast for a master’s level conversation on content marketing and how properly using your CRM can create an undeniable competitive advantage in your business. Don’t miss this episode…

Episode Highlights:

  • Chris discusses how insurance is not the problem but the risk is, and how he is working on this data to solve the issue. (4:13)
  • Chris explains how their flood risk analysis provides a huge value to their referral partners to grow their business. (8:29)
  • Chris mentions that videos used for education and advice are still considered streamlining. (14:31)
  • Chris shares how he uses automation to follow up with his clients. (22:32)
  • Ryan explains that this is the moment where HubSpot tools, like video cards, give you a true competitive advantage. (25:35)
  • Chris explains that conversations like why they weren’t closing more business can be seen at HubSpot as one of its features. (36:34)
  • Ryan shares that the industry needs a company that offers Accord form integration and creation at a price that the industry can afford. (44:09)
  • Chris talks about Hubspot being better than any AMS, and shares how they are currently using it in their interview process. (51:14)
  • Chris shares that what he likes about Ryan’s content creation is that it is very neutral and does never put out any misinformation. (55:53)  
  • Chris shares three different books he requires people to read before they come on board. (59:50)

Key Quotes:

  • “We just need one company that offers Accord form integration and creation and mapping easily at a price the industry could afford and they would absolutely friggin dominate.” – Ryan Hanley
  • “It’s not about us. It’s about the customers, you know? So, it sticks in my head and everything I do now.” – Chris Greene

Resources Mentioned:

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Yours in strength,


LISTEN NEXT: Sarah Muniz on Helping Women Find Their Undiscovered Voice in the Insurance Industry

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